Delhi – On the brink of airborne crisis

Delhi – On the brink of airborne crisis [Image: PTI]
 Delhi – On the brink of airborne crisis [Image: PTI]

Sudden wake of smog in just starting days of November is now a huge matter of concern for the country. The next morning of Diwali is much hazy for people of North India as the capital faces it's the smoggiest day of the season. As per the AQI data, Delhi is now 451 which is wide off the mark.

Local says in some areas sounds of firecrackers were heard despite of complete ban on crackers during the festival from the High Court. Current data shows it is going to be more challenging to breathe in North India. People now have to pay more for celebrating their festival in a smoky and noisy way. But it's not about a single day, it's always human and their volunteer actions are responsible for such life endangering air.

Apathy towards mother nature now leading people toward some serious issues and also a matter of concern for coming generations. Nature runs in a cycle, what we give is always come back to us, smoke from industries, vehicles, untreated sewage is a huge threat to the country, AQI measures the concentration of poisonous particulate matter PM2.5 in a cubic metre of air.

In Delhi, a city of nearly 20 million people, the PM2.5 reading on Friday averaged 706 micrograms, whereas the World Health Organization deems anything above an annual average of 5 micrograms as unsafe. Such pollution levels are responsible for lung disease, cardiovascular disease, and lung cancer.

People with allergies and asthma are facing more severe problems, says locals.

It's not about some days or some life, it's about today and future generations. What are we going to give to our upcoming generation? Would we like to bring them into this world with diseases?

It's a high time when every individual has to think more about their contribution towards nature, what kind of achievements we are supposed to take when we don't have a fresh air to breathe. Becoming the most polluted capital of country Delhi now have to be serious about their environment without accusing each other like a politician do. Every single person should head towards sustainable development and take more and more step-in order to save nature, a little ignoramus behaviour, someone’s life may be at stake tomorrow.


Shadman Alam

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