Feed smart right from the start: National Nutrition Week 2021

Feed smart right from the start! –This is the theme for 2021 National Nutrition week. The first week of September from 1st to 7th, National Nutrition Week is observed. It is celebrated every year to make people aware of the importance of nutrition and focus on their better health and living.

Feed smart right from the start: National Nutrition Week 2021 [Photo- Ella Olsson]
Feed smart right from the start: National Nutrition Week 2021 [Photo- Ella Olsson]

In 1973 the American Dietetic Association started the National nutrition week. In India, it was launched by Food and Nutrition board in 1982 and since then it was decided to be observed throughout the country. It aims at creating awareness about health and nutrition. The board organizes a nutrition event annually within the Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India. The week elaborates the role of a balanced diet with a combination of essential nutrients for better health.

A healthy body leads to a healthy mind, hence having necessary nutrition like salts, vitamins, and protein in our regular diet is important. One must remember, for good health and soul there are seven different nutrients that play an important role. Those are carbohydrates, dietary fibre, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and water.

Exercise is king. Nutrition is queen. Put them together and you've got a kingdom. —Jack LaLanne

According to the Global Nutrition Report 2020, India is one with the highest rates of malnutrition and domestic inequalities. Undernutrition reduces productivity, decreases intellect, and leads to poverty.

Apart from knowing about Nutrition, what else should you do this week?

Several organisations and institutions collectively organize several events and activities to ensure the growth and development of the nation.

1. Participate in the government events

Across 28 states and 8 union territories, there are 43 Community Food and Nutrition Extension Units (CFNEU). They organize workshops, meetings, training and so on to spread the importance of nutrition throughout the country. One can be a part of such events and gain meaningful knowledge about nutrition.

2. Contribute to the needy

If you are one of those who are blessed and have some amount of food to spare, donate it to those who are in need. Begin on a small scale, for example, serve the needy in your locality. Cook or buy a nutritious meal and distribute it among the needy.

3. Assemble an exhibition

Engage with the people in your nearby locality in a meeting and organize an event that will educate people of different age groups about the importance of nutrition. This way one can even create a charity for donation about helping the needy of that particular locality.

4. Spread awareness through social media

In this age of social media, everything is getting online. Create posts to increase awareness about the right nutrition in a regular diet and elaborate its importance for healthy living. Use proper hashtags to spread the word about National Nutrition week awareness programs. Besides, one may click relatable pictures of a healthy diet and upload that.

5. Support an NGO

There are many Non-Government Organizations that serve needy people. Get involved in those activities organized by the NGOs and get an experience of dealing with the deprived class of the society.

Let us pledge to make the best possible move to spread awareness among the people of our nation. The ultimate aim of celebrating National Nutrition Week will be achieved only if each of us does our part and helps in the growth and development of the nation.


Rupa Jana


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